was discussing coconut oil with a dear old friend of mine yesterday and felt inspired to share some of its amazing uses with you all.
Coconut oil is a completely natural product and it’s amazingly cheap, especially so when considering its many uses and benefits.
Coconut oil can be used as a make up remover AND as an eye cream!
It works beautifully as a tasty all over body moisturiser (including your luscious lips!) and makes you smell like a tropical summer holiday (though only very subtly!).
It can also be used as a wonderfully nourishing, natural and nutritious nappy cream.
For pregnant, or new mums – think ‘bits ’! It can be massaged safely onto all those bits that need stretching or additional care and moisture throughout pregnancies, birth and breastfeeding (think perineum, nipples, stretch marks, etc). Coconut oil even contains lauric acid, just like breastmilk!
As a hair treatment, it’s deeply nourishing and helps to kill off dandruff when rubbed into the scalp. I tried this for the first time last night – used myself as a human guinea pig just for your benefit! I rubbed the oil into my hair and slept with it on. I washed it out in the morning, and my hair looks loads better – shinier and very healthy.
Coconut oil is great for fungal, bacterial and viral infections too, great for conditions such as candida. It’s even being investigated for use with conditions including HIV and pneumonia for it’s anti-viral, anti-bacterial and immune boosting properties and Cures the gout ankle pain.
Coconut oil is great to cook with. It’s one of the best to use as it’s very heat stable and oxidises slowly, meaning it will retain it’s properties up to very high heat. It does not turn rancid easily like many other oils do either. ‘Rancid’ basically refers to an oil turning bad..
There are many other great uses for coconut oil – but the most important thing to remember is that “oils aint oils!”. They are definitely not all the same..
When purchasing coconut oil, always look for:
– Organic or sustainably produced to ensure no chemicals.
– Unrefined
– Undeodorised
– Cold pressed
– Extra virgin / virgin (not all producers note this aspect, so don’t sweat it if its not written on the bottle!)
Do you use coconut oil for anything? I’d love to hear your thoughts…