Therapist of the Month – Tiina Hogg

January 19, 2015

Tiina Hogg has always been a bit of a hippie and greenie at heart so its only fitting that her feet are so firmly entrenched in the world of Naturopathy. Guided by the old Native American saying of  “Humankind has not woven the web of Life. We are but one thread in it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves”, Tiina considers Naturopathy an all encompassing form of treatment. She takes into account a persons physical, emotional, spiritual, social and environmental needs when working with her clients. In her consults, she takes a lot of time to get to know you. “I need to hear my clients laugh uncontrollably or cry in my consults – not because I’m a sadist, but because that sort of emotion tells me we’re talking about things that REALLY matter for that particular person. I do often threaten people with a cow prod if they don’t show that kind of emotion.. but just quietly, I don’t actually own one!” 🙂

Having graduated in 2005, Tiina started her Naturopathic career working as a Health and Wellness advisor and  Naturopath at an internationally renowned health resort over in Thailand. This work gave her an eye opening view into the world of the rich and famous. An eye opener that cemented her belief that we humans really are all the same regardless of our race or title. Yes we have different clothes, different experiences, cultures and traditions, different ‘kinks’ so to speak, but underneath it all – we are all incredibly similar in our basic needs and desires, especially when it comes to our core health.

“I get asked a lot of questions in my consults too.. do I drink coffee? Do I like wine? Do I eat bread? What do I think of this.. or that… I answer with absolute honesty, because yes, I love coffee, wine and bread.. None of us are perfect and we’re here to enjoy the ride right? The more we honour that, the better off we’ll be.. Health, and life itself, is a process of ebb and flow.. It’s healing to recognise our misgivings, for want of another word, out aloud with others.. and once we do, the real healing begins..”

Tiina studied at UNE in Armidale and earned her Degree in Health Science, whilst studying alongside at a private college here in Sydney to earn her Naturopathic Diplomas. Trained in homeopathy, nutrition, naturopathy, herbal medicine, flower essences and massage, Tiina keeps up her skills by attending a multitude of seminars throughout the year and picking the brains of her fellow therapists at Saltuary! “My next seminar is on Adrenal Fatigue and Exhaustion – I can’t wait!”

Incredibly passionate about Mother Nature, humanity and animal welfare, Tiinas proudest (and most challenging!) achievement to date is that of her 2 young children. Referring to parenthood as “an ongoing bootcamp for Naturopathic training”, Tiina uses the principles of her work in the lives of her two young children constantly. Naturopathy is something that can benefit everyone from newborns right through to the elderly – even pets!

Tiina practices Naturopathy from Wednesday through to Saturday each week and is covered by health funds. Rebates for these are generally claimed on the spot. For more on the treatments she offers, please visit the following link:


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