Float Therapy for Anxiety

May 9, 2024

Float therapy benefits

Float therapy is sought out for many different reasons. From sport recovery through to spiritual journeys, the benefits can be vast. In a nutshell, floating can be described as a ‘healing’ modality.

Healing of course means different things to different people. Healing can be very physical from tight muscles through to a nagging old injury. Floating helps to ‘heal’ both of these things, coaxing them onto a road of recovery.

Healing can also be for emotional concerns such as stress and anxiety. Floating can significantly help to reduce tension and stress, again, coaxing those things on towards a path of recovery.

Shane Stott wrote ‘The Float Tank Cure’ after how profoundly floating changed his life, and specifically his anxiety, for the bettter.

“It was the cure for my spinning thoughts, anxiety, hopelessness and depression” he writes. “As long as I’m floating regularly, my life is stable, my mind is healthy and my future is bright”

Floating can be a welcome addition to your wellness toolkit. It is not a cure all, or a one stop shop, but many people and studies report profound effects. It is known as an accumulative therapy, the more one floats, the deeper and more profound the effects, especially for those that commit to regular sessions, whether that be weekly, monthly, etc. Its the regularity of having this therapy in your life that really enhances its effects.

Float therapy experience

At Saltuary we offer an Introductory Pack of 3 float sessions. We encourage everyone to float at least 3 times before casting judgement, and there is definitely method to that madness!

The first float is more of a learning experience. A venture into an environment you haven’t previously encountered. Especially for those feeling a little anxious, it’s common to stay a little alert throughout the first float. By the second float, the experience is much more familiar for your mind and body, so relaxation tends to come a lot easier. By the third float, most people quickly settle into a very deep relaxation for the entire float.

Like life itself, floating is a journey. The further and longer you journey, the more it unveils. Think of it as part of your wellness plan, akin to exercise or taking supplements.

Floating helps your brain to get into a theta state. A theta state is one thats achieved in deep meditation. Its calming and balancing for your brain, it slows things down helping with stress, anxiety etc.

A study looking at the benefits of floating on anxiety found that all parameters, including anxiety, pain, fatigue, sleepiness, depression, stress and muscle tension all improved post floating. Whilst the study suggested that more research is needed to understand the exact mechanisms of these results, it is thought that reducing the sensory input to our nervous system is ultimately how the benefits are derived. (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5796691/)

Keen to give it a go?  Learn More or Book Here

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