Reduce stress Did you know that just 1 hour of Float Therapy is akin to 4 hours of sleep? Especially great if you travel a lot. Floating is clinically-proven to rejuvenate and restore your mind and body, measurably reducing your blood pressure, heart rate and stress-related chemicals in the body. If you’re feeling the pressure at […]
Category: Corporate Insights
How to sleep like a baby..
Getting a good night’s sleep is vital to good health. Its vital for stress reduction, for increasing energy and concentration levels, and for improving memory. During sleep, our body heals, repairs, detoxifys and ‘sorts through’ the day. Sleep is when your internal ‘admin team’ gets to work and file away the important events of the […]
Workplace ergonomics & Sympathetic Dominance
According to the 2012 Australian Health Survey, adults in Australia spend on average 39 hours per week sedentary, with close to 10 of these hours sitting down at work. People working in administration, clerical and business roles are amongst the most affected, spending on average 22 hours per week sitting down. The human body isn’t […]
Himalayan salt lamps
Neutralise your work space Did you know that Himalayan salt lamps release soothing negative ions into the air, counterbalancing electromagnetic radiation? They’re a perfect addition to office spaces, which typically have a high concentration of computers, printers, lights etc. Enjoy the numerous health benefits of Salt Lamps at work! Read more here. What are Himalayan […]
Eat well at work
Boost your productivity Did you know that eating well at work not only nourishes your body, but enhances your work performance, boosting your overall productivity? A recent study by the Health Enhancement Research Organisation (HERO) found that workers who ate healthy meals and exercised regularly had better performance outcomes and lower absenteeism. The HERO study […]
Destress with acupuncture
Acupuncture is the ancient art of rejuvenation. Allow your body to relax, heal and destress. Enter a deep, relaxed state and restore the body to optimal health and wellbeing. Try Acupuncture at Saltuary today! We all experience stress at some point in our lives. While our bodies are generally hard-wired to cope with stressful situations through […]